Summer Junebugs

After a 10-year disappearance, an aimless wanderer returns home and tries to help their father recreate a family Peach Cobbler Recipe. Along the way they encounter mediums, old friends, and other ghosts of their pasts.

Role: Playwright, “Fox”

Project by: Jasmine Brimsmayd

Status: Work-shopped Staging of First Act; excerpt video and full workshop videos available below. Writing Sample available upon request.

A workshop performance of an abridged version of the first act of Summer Junebugs, Staged April 14-15, 2023 at the California Institute of the Arts.

CAST (In order of appearance):
Donna: Emma Crawfis
Bear: Ronaldo Medina
Fox/Roger: Jasmine Brimsmayd
Old Bear: Christopher Martin
Ruth: Dionne Robinson
Tyler/Old Tyler: Ashwath Ram
Rowan: Melody Tay

Playwright/Producer: Jasmine Brimsmayd
Director: Hunter Abal
Stage Manager: Lanae Wilks
Costume Designer: Loren Weldon
Lighting Designer: Ryan Seffinger
Graphic Designer: Christopher Martin